Turkey’s Olive Oil Exports Increased by 20 Percent

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In the last quarter of 2020, when the pandemic peaked, olive oil made a successful entry into the 2020/21 export season. The new season’s olive oil exports to Turkey two months into the game, compared to the same period of the previous season with a 20 percent increase from the 23.1 million dollars, increased to $ 27.8 million.

According to the Aegean Olive and Olive Oil Exporters Association data, Turkey’s olive oil exports by 13 percent in the last quarter of 2020, an increase of some amount of 9 734 thousand tons from 951 thousand tons increased to 10. Turkish olive oil exporters succeeded in exporting olive oil at 7 percent higher price in dollar terms in the 2020/21 season.

Table olive exports, which started on October 1, 2020, followed a horizontal course. Table olive exports maintained the $ 40 million export level in the first quarter of the 2019/20 season. While the export of black olives in table olives was 31 million 753 thousand dollars, the export of green olives was recorded as 8 million 241 thousand dollars. Turkey, 1 October – 23 thousand 208 tons of dates between December 31, 2020 has exported table olives. The total exports of the olive sector in the remaining part of the 2020/21 season increased by 6 percent from $ 65 million to $ 69 million.

USA in olive oil export, Germany in top in olives export

In the United States caught the biggest increase in Turkey’s exports of olive oil. Olive oil exports to the USA increased by 112 percent from $ 5.9 million to $ 12.6 million. The share of the USA in olive oil exports increased from 25 percent to 45 percent. Israel followed the USA with 1.8 million dollars. Iran, on the other hand, preferred Turkish olive oil worth 1.5 million dollars.

While the first quarter of the 2020/21 season was behind in table black olive exports, Germany ranked first with a demand of $ 10.8 million. Romania took the second place with its $ 5.1 million table olive import. Black olives worth $ 4.3 million were exported to Iraq, where Turkish olive exporters are strong. Germany, 2.2 million dollars, while demand in the first place winner in the green olive exports, Iraq, 1.8 million green olives imported from Turkey. The USA bought Turkish green olives worth 576 thousand dollars.

Despite the decrease in yield, export figures are pleasing

Turkey Exporters Assembly Member of the Board and the Aegean Olive and Olive Oil Exporters Union Chairman Davut, 13 percent of the olive oil exports 2019/20 season that blood loss is experienced, it remains lower than anticipated because of the drought olive harvest despite the pleasing of the new season’s first two months export levels attained in that noted.

Emphasizing that the primary goals of the Union are to increase the share of high value-added, packaged olives and olive oil exports, Er said, “In order to achieve this, I would like to underline that it is of great importance to increase the export return support in agricultural products. The biggest reason why it has difficulties in competing with rival countries such as Italy and Greece is the cost difference against our country. The return support provided to the exporter in our country is very low. When the support given in dollars until 2013 and the support given in TL, it can be clearly seen that the current export returns are very low. In 2013, 650 dollars / ton support was given for olive oil exports with a registered Turkish brand and the phrase ‘Made in Turkey’ in packages of 0-1 kg (including 1 kg), while today this amount is around 600 TL / ton, which is approximately 200 dollars. In the amount of $ 440 there is a loss of support. When we compare it based on current exchange rates, 1-2 kg of packaged olive oil export support decreased from 360 dollars to 105 dollars per ton to 255 dollars, and support for olive oil exports made in 2-5 kg packages decreased from 200 dollars to 55 dollars per ton and decreased by 145 dollars.”

There are big decreases in support for table olives

Saying, “There is also a big decrease in the support given for table olives”, Er said that while a support of 260 dollars / ton was given for table olives with a registered Turkish brand in 2013 and exported in packages of 0-1 kg (including 1 kg), today He pointed out that the amount corresponds to 630 TL / ton, which is approximately 80 dollars. Stating that there was a decrease of around 180 dollars in the support amount per ton, Er said: “Similarly, when we compare the current exchange rates based on the current exchange rates, table olive export support for 1-2 kg packages is from 180 dollars to 55 dollars per ton, and in packages of 2-5 kg. Table olive export support decreased from $ 130 to $ 35 per ton, to $ 95. As a result, when we compare the figures, we see that the olive and olive oil exporters can only receive 1/3 of the export support given in 2013. Aegean Olive and Olive Oil Exporters Association Ş., we believe that if the export support provided to olive and olive oil is increased by at least 100 percent, we will reach a level that can compete with other producer countries. returns 0-1 kg, 1- We think it would be appropriate to classify it as between 3 kg and 3-5 kg. ”

We aim to export $ 1.5 billion in the medium term

Turkey, it made a huge investment in the olive sector after 2002 olive trees and the presence of the 180 million level exceeded pointing EZZİB Head of David, said: “The Agriculture and Forestry Ministry data becomes efficient our new planting trees according to climatic conditions and olives case are appropriate yields have 1 million 200 thousand tons, while the olive harvest will reach 650 thousand tons. National and olives, a strategic sector-zeytinyap sector will become an even greater importance for our country in the coming years. Turkey, production in exports if it can reach this level worldwide price constructive position Today, we aim to increase our olive and olive oil exports, which approached $ 500 million in our brightest season, to $ 1.5 billion in the next 5 years. ”

Decrease VAT to 1 percent in olive oil, increase domestic consumption

Per capita consumption of olive oil in Turkey, indicating that less than 2 liters, “Turkey, unfortunately, consumes the least amount of olive oil per capita in the country’s oil-producing countries. Per capita consumption levels in Greece, Italy and Spain, which are among the producer countries, are around 10-15 kg. In addition to the falling yield due to the drought, olive oil becomes more expensive with VAT and the consumption amount decreases. Reducing the VAT from 8 percent in olive oil to 1 percent will increase consumption and will make a great contribution to reaching our target of consumption of 5 kg per person” said.

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