Harvard University Explains: Eating Olive Oil Protects Against Cancer and Heart Disease

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A new study by Harvard University has been published on the effects of eating olive oil in more than 90,000 people who have been followed for 30 years in the USA. In the study, it was explained that consuming olive oil instead of margarine, butter or other saturated fats protects against dying from diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, respiratory tract and dementia.

In the USA, a new study has been published on olive oil, which has been stated to be one of the most beneficial products for our health for years.

In a Harvard University study, it was stated that using olive oil instead of margarine, butter or other saturated fats protects against death due to cancer, heart and respiratory diseases, as well as dementia.

Harvard University Chan School of Public Health

The study’s lead author, Harvard Chan School of Public Health senior research scientist Marta Guasch-Ferre, said that men and women who replaced 2 teaspoons (10 grams) of margarine, butter, mayonnaise, or milk fat with the same amount of olive oil compared to people who consumed little or no olive oil. stressed that the overall risk of death is up to 34 percent lower.

Guasch-Ferre underlined that previous studies took place in Europe and especially in Mediterranean countries where olive oil consumption is higher, and said, “This is the first long-term study on olive oil and mortality in the American population, followed up to 30 years and involving more than 90,000 participants.”

Chief medical editor of Harvard Health Publishing, part of Harvard Medical School, Dr. “This is a combination of reducing the amount of saturated fat while increasing the monounsaturated fats found in olive oil,” said Howard LeWine.

“Our results provide further support for recommendations to replace saturated fat and animal fat with unsaturated vegetable oils such as olive oil for the prevention of premature death,” LeWine added.

While the study analyzed the diets of people enrolled in two large government-funded studies, the researchers then compared the dietary findings to the morbidity and death records for these people over time.

Susanna Larsson, associate professor of epidemiology at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, said in a statement with the research, “People who report the highest consumption of olive oil have a 19 percent greater risk of dying from heart disease, a 17 percent greater risk of dying from cancer, a 29 percent greater risk of dying from neurodegenerative disease, and an 18 percent greater risk of death.” He said that he died of respiratory disease compared to those who never or rarely consumed olive oil instead of saturated fats.

The research on olive oil was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

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