Olive and Olive Oil Consumption in Turkey

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One of the issues we complain about olive oil consumption, the most is that people consume less healthy fats, which contain more saturated fatty acids, because we consume less olives and we cannot introduce olive oil sufficiently.

Turkey Union of Chambers of Agriculture 2019 Agricultural Economics and perpetuate this subject description report by the source.

Olive oil is the only vegetable oil that can be eaten without any chemical treatment, and it is very important in healthy nutrition due to its fact that it is a fruit juice and also due to its natural and many vitamins and preservatives.

By expressing its positive effects on health by experts, olive oil consumption is increasing in countries with high income.

Olive Oil Consumption Rates

Although consumption per capita has increased from 1 liter to 1.5-2 liters in Turkey compared to previous years, it is not possible to say that it is sufficient. In other countries that are members of the National Olive Oil Council, the average is around 9 liters.

Oil producing countries are still among the least olive oil is consumed in Turkey. As a matter of fact, olive oil consumption per capita is 12 liters in Greece, 10 liters in Italy and Spain, and 6 liters in Tunisia, Portugal, Lebanon and Syria.

If we examine the olive oil consumption rates on a country basis according to another source; Greece is still the leader, despite the huge declines. Annual olive oil consumption per capita is 12.8 kilos. Per capita consumption, which is 11.3 kilograms in Spain, is 10.5 kilograms in Italy, 7.2 kilograms in Portugal, 5.5 kilograms in Cyprus, 3.2 kilograms in Luxembourg, 3 kilograms in Malta, and this ratio is 1.7 in France.

Studies to increase the consumption of olive oil, whose importance for human health increases day by day in the world and in our country, give positive results. Despite this, our country’s consumption has not reached the desired level due to the fact that this product is an expensive food item, the habit of consuming margarine and sunflower oil in our country and the lack of promotional activities.

As of 2017, the amount of foreign currency paid by our country for the import of the remaining pulp as a result of the processing of oilseeds, crude oil and oilseeds is $ 3.2 billion. In order to close our vegetable oil deficit, olive oil should be put into use, and domestic consumption should be increased by various promotional activities.

Although a significant increase in oil consumption in Turkey in recent years, per capita consumption remains limited to 1.4 kilos. Considering that per capita consumption in Lebanon, Jordan and Tunisia is over 3 kilos, this rate is quite low. In the USA, which is not a member of the International Olive Council, consumption per capita is 0.9 kg but has been increasing rapidly in recent years.

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